It’s the Holiday (Injury) Season!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year again! Sadly, with the joy of the season comes an increased risk of injury that can turn your White Christmas into a Blue Christmas. Among the leading causes of injuries at the holidays are space heaters, holiday decorations, cooking fires, children’s toys, and traffic wrecks. Below are some safety tips to make sure you have a joyful holiday.
Space heaters fires:
With chillier temperatures and company to keep warm, space heater use soars. However, space heaters are also the leading cause of house fires in the United States. Over 45,000 house fires occur each year because of a home’s heating system, resulting in an average of 500 civilian deaths each year and $1.1 billion in damage. Over half of these fires occur because space heaters are placed too close to flammable material, including furniture, clothing, mattresses, or bedding.
To avoid space heater related fires, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends keeping space heaters away from flammable materials and to only use space heaters that are certified as being tested for safety standards. Additionally, space heaters should be turned off when no one is in the room and should never be used in a room where people are sleeping. Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors should also be inspected annually.
Holiday decoration injuries:
Dry Christmas trees, burning candles, busted light bulbs, and decorating while on a ladder can all quickly lead to a dangerous situation. The risk of a fire from holiday decorations or a fall from hanging up decorations can quickly sour a happy holiday season.
The CPSC recommends making sure a live tree is well watered and to only purchase an artificial tree labeled “fire resistant.” Candles should be kept away from anything flammable and should always be extinguished when leaving the room. Never string together more than three strands of incandescent lights to reduce the risk of a fire. Last, when using a ladder, always inspect it for stability first, maintain three points of contact at all times, climb with caution in the center of each step, and do not overextend yourself to hang a decoration while standing on a ladder.
Cooking fires:
Between Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, and New Year’s, millions of Americans will be holding holiday feasts in their homes, running extra ovens, fryers, and stovetops to make sure every dish is prepared, and every belly overstuffed. With increased cooking in the home, the risk of fires and burns also goes up. The CPSC estimates there are 165,600 cooking fires on average each year, leading to an average of 200 deaths and 3,200 injuries. The National Fire Protection Association reports deep fried turkey accidents have caused an average of five deaths, 60 injuries, and $15 million in property damages every year.
To help reduce the risk of a cooking fire, the CPSC recommends deep frying in a wide-open area and to closely monitor oil temperature to make sure it does not overheat. Additionally, burners should be kept far away from anything flammable, and kids should be kept away from the stove.
Toy Injuries:
According to a study by the CPSC, there were over 159,500 toy-related injuries to children under the age of 14 in 2022, including eleven deaths. The deaths were related to blunt force trauma from balls and asphyxiation from infants choking on small objects. The biggest cause of non-fatal injuries were scooters, which injured over 35,400 children in 2022.
To avoid child injury from toys, the CPSC recommends parents follow the guidance and safety information on a toy, especially age and ability guidelines. Parents should also purchase safety gear with any scooter or bike, including helmets, and should keep small objects away from infants and toddlers. The CPSC also recommends promptly removing a toy’s packaging and plastic wrappings before they pose a danger to an infant or toddler.
Car Wrecks:
The risk of car wrecks also increases at the Holidays as more drivers travel for visits in dark winter hours, in icy conditions, and—oftentimes—inebriated. The National Safety Council reports that over Christmas weekend of 2020, the last year with available data, there were 312 roadway fatalities across the United States. While overconsumption of alcohol is typically responsible for 30% of roadways deaths, that percentage soars to 39% over Christmas weekend. As always, motorists and other travelers should avoid driving or reduce speed in icy conditions, ensure clear vision when driving at nighttime, and never drink and drive or allow others to drive when under the influence.
At the Poppe Law Firm, we hope your holiday season is filled with joy and that calling a law firm is the last thing on your mind. However, if you or a loved one does suffer a catastrophic injury this season as the result of a product failure or a semitruck or car wreck, please do not hesitate to contact us at the Poppe Law Firm.